My blogger friend
Isla Gringo ( mentioned that he doesn't blog on Sunday. But that really he just doesn't post on Sunday's. But he does work on
his posts on Sundays.

He says:
Even though I don't post on Sundays, I still spend considerable time getting posts ready for the upcoming week. However, none of them are done and ready to go. Each one is missing something. A fact or a picture.
That's when it clicked with me how differently people blog. It made me think of
La Gringa ( I think it's at least a half-time job for her. And look at all the political investigating she has done lately. I was actually afraid for her life for a few days.

Plus La Gringa has taught herself how to post videos and make slide shows. That stuff is on my life "to-learn" list, but it will be awhile. Maybe in my next life. By the time I learn how to do that stuff, there won't even be computers anymore. Big Brother will just zap stuff into our brains through the air. And we probably won't even have off-buttons.

Anyway.....Lately I had been starting to realize how much time I spend in front of my laptop. And how much attention and thought I put into my posts. (
Actually probably not enough, at least according to my human spell checkers and people who don't care for my choice of topics).

Of course, Blog stuff is not all I do on the internet. I usually get 50 or 60 non-spam emails a day. Many of those are emails are related to helping people who want to come to Chacala find the right place to stay in Chacala, and to help them make reservations and so on.

But still.... And now that I don't walk for about 30 minutes each way (plus visiting neighbors all the way there and back) to get to where I borrowed a wireless connection, I am spending way too much time at this table, working away. Playing away. Way too much time.

I have been thinking about how it is that I have ended with with four regular blogs, many blogs where I hold photos for rental units, and other blogs for family photo albums for people around town, and so on. And three vox blogs where I am experimenting with targeted blogs/websites for people looking for particular kinds of rentals. And a few other web things too.

I am inclined to retire, at least from some of this. But part of my current enjoyment of blogging has been to have a place to post my photos, where some people look at them. At least theoretically, anyway.

And I have "met" some really nice people, and some interesting people (as in "may your life be interesting"), and learned lots of things. Especially about travelling to other towns in Mexico and about gardening with succulents and tropicals.

But I am a little nervous about how much time I am spending at the computer. At least when I am taking photos (my other electronic preoccupation) I am out interacting with people face-to-face. Which seems like a better way to have friends. On the other hand, right now most of the English speaking people I care about live thousand of miles away, sooooooo.
Well, I guess I will just keep thinking about this until my fingers wear down to nubbins.
The more I enjoy you you must be working really a lot of time & if you are not enjoying most of it then enjoy more off line. Enjoying you and happy to meet with you soon.
Love, Tom
Loving that picture of the clothes pins! I know what you mean about too much time in front of the computer! One hour turns to two, two to three, before you know it the whole morning is gone! Good thing somebody invented errands or I would probably never get out of the house!
I enjoy reading your posts and viewing the pictures you post. I feel that I am getting a sense of what it is like in your part of the world! I look forward to being in your area next month, and thanks for the time you spend on the blog!
Thank you for the time you spend creating your blog. I have been reading it for a while and feel that I am getting a sense of the area prior to travelling down there next month.
Your choice of photos this post are stunningly colourful. Thanks for sharing those as all I see here in Vancouver are gray skies.
please dont stop taking photos and writing. i have really been enjoying your insightfulness on life in chacala. i'll look forward to the experiences frist hand next month, thanks.
I spend a lot of time on the computer too but I rarely watch tv so I figure at least I am learning about other parts of the world. The colourful photos you post make my day while I am looking outside at the snow this morning. Snow has its own kind of beauty too ... I suppose.
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