Monday, November 05, 2007

Happiness in Mexico, and Maybe Chacala Too

This from a BBC article quoted by Ann in her Adventures in Mexico

"A ..... study of more than 65 countries published(recently) in the UK's New Scientist magazine suggests that the happiest people in the world live in Nigeria - and the least happy, in Romania.

People in Latin America, Western Europe and North America are happier than their counterparts in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Nigeria has the highest percentage of happy people followed by Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador and Puerto Rico, while Russia, Armenia and Romania have the fewest.

But factors that make people happy may vary from one country to the next with personal success and self-expression being seen as the most important in the US, while in Japan, fulfilling the expectations of family and society is valued more highly.

The survey appears to confirm the old adage that money cannot buy happiness.

The researchers for World Values Survey described the desire for material goods as "a happiness suppressant"".

Think about it.

1 comment:

Charmalita said...

I like your "Happy" pictures Andee.