Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Line Water in South Chacala

The new section of Chacala’s waterline is being installed from Delphin’s Restaurant, south to the houses around Don Beto’s house and camping area. That would include the house of Gilberto’s family, Esparanza’s house and camping area, and her two son’s houses.

The old line was destroyed by Hurricane Kenna, in October 2002, and had not been replaced. I don’t know why, but maybe because the creek that supplied the town’s water was running dry the past few years.

But this summer a new water supply, from a real well, was brought into Chacala. The existing waterlines delivered the water to most of the houses in Chacala.

And now the folks who live on the south end of the beach have dug a trench (by hand) from the beach road all the way across the camping area at Delphin’s, and then south to the five houses on the beach. And to the shower and toilet facilties those families maintain for campers who camp in their campgrounds or on the beach and fields

They dug the trench in about two days. All the men and boys were digging all day. With the help of Jessica, who swings a mean pickaxe.

These men are two of Esparanza’s sons and her husband. They are putting the faucuets for their three houses.This is another son, digging the trench near Esparanza’s house.And some of Esparanza’s grandchildren are playing in the dirt around the open waterline trench.

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