Monday, November 27, 2006

Tejones Visit my House in Chacala

Crystal, on her way to the Primeria
Last night I was just falling asleep when I heard some scrabbling sounds out on the teraza. That's when I remembered I had left the bag of roasted peanuts in the shell on the table. I started out the door to go out to put it away. And make sure the garbage was secured, hanging in the air.Alexis and Osvaldo heading off to school, via the tienda.
One animal ran right in front of me as I opened the door. It was heading for the stairs. I couldn’t tell if it was a tejone or a big cat. But then another one ran by, and another one. I closed the door and thought for a minute. I was kind of scared one of them would run into me, and maybe scratch or bite me. Then I put on my flipflops and opened the door again. A fourth tejone was sitting at the top of the stairs, looking at me. I banged my hand on the metal door, and he/she ran down the stairs.

These guys are sort of like large badgers, very furry and big fluffy tails. Kind of tan colored. Sort of cute but kind of scary too. The first time I lived at this house, three of them were on the teraza as I came up the stairs one night, in the dark. One came barreling down the stairs right by me. Almost knocked into me. The other two flew off the cement railing and through the air. About a 15 foot drop. And ran like h…..Color scheme for the new paint job at Mirador.
But this time, they were fast, but more casual about leaving. Kind of like, “Oh rats, she wasn’t asleep yet.” They had gotten on the eating table and torn the bag open. And had shelled maybe half the peanuts. Clever little guys.One of the buildings at Majahua.
This morning I walked over to the Koranay, the hardware store, and bought a piece of hardware cloth, a stiff piece of woven wire with a ¼” grid. Now I will wedge it between the cement walls near the top of the stairs of this place. Every night. I guess I’ll know if it slowed the little buggers down in the morning.

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