Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Plants and New Construction in Chacala

Questions? email to alatawah@gmail.com

Several people have mentioned to me lately that someone with relatives in here, and who has five different lots in Chacala, is starting to build rentals on the lots this year. One of the lots is the double lot next to Maria and Butcho's spread, near where the dirt road ends at the Marina gate.

There were workers bushwhacking on another lot, the first lot toward the ocean (next to Laura Sura's house) from the Marina Chacala gate. The head worker (or at least he was supervising from the shade while the machete guys were working away in the 90 degree full sun) told me a new building was going up on the lot right against the Marina wall. Didn't say if it was a rental or what.

Most of the other places under construction are looking different each day. Most of the work crews seem to be starting to work at 6am, now that daylight savings time has started.

The new room on the top floor of Casa Pacifica is really nice. Windows on three or four sides, great view. And the giant sunshade for the whole seating area up there is almost finished.

Plastering has started on the house back from the paved road, owned by some Canadians. It looks great. Nice arch to the front window, etc. The big place below the paved road now has about half of a second floor. The first place on the ocean side of the paved road now has two units on the second floor, each with a patio and a great view looking south. I was told that the new real estate office (for selling lots in Marina Chacala) is about to open in the new building across the road from Concha's Techo house.

Casa Chacala, the white hotel as you first come into town on the paved road, has a new wonderful shady patio with plants overlooking the swimming pool. And the pool water always looks clean. The whole hotel (six units with one or two double beds and small patio) always looks clean. And the owners are great and anxious to learn English. You can make reservations at Casa Chacala

The new Bar is up and going at Chico's as of today, I think. Margaritas, Pina Colada's etc etc . Beautiful new wooden cabinet for the bottles. And a nice cement walk-up bar counter, painted by Juan, who is currently doing a great job re-painting most of Casa Pacifica.

I made a list of the all rental rooms I know about in Chacala, not really counting Majahua and MardeJade, and came up with about 72 rooms. See the list by clicking here on Chacala. I tried to offer info about how to make reservations, but in some cases, I don't know.

As a matter of clarification, if you are interested in renting one of the units at Casa Azul, Susana, at www.casapacificachacala.com, is the only person authorized by the owner to accept reservations. There has been some confusion about on this issue, and some people have been misinformed, and had to find new places to stay, just as the rental reservation season is starting to heat up here in Chacala.

Totally different topic:

If you are having trouble little tiny ants in your kitchen, keep your food/organic garbage in a plastic bag in the fridge.

If you find a sprouted coconut shell on the beach,take it home, kept it damp, and grow a palm tree. Free.

If you want a new bouganvilla or yellow vine (don't know the name) or jasmine, or gardenia, or hibiscus, take a 6" cutting, remove almost all the leaves except the ones at the top, stick it in dirt up to its neck, keep it damp and in the shade for six or eight weeks and viola!!! a new plant. Or buy one for $2-6 USD at the vivero, (nursery),

If you want to visit Chacala go to
Chacala to see what's available.
Or if you have comments email me at anchacala@gmail.com

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