Thursday, January 03, 2008

Around Sunset in Chacala

My goal for today is to notice when I am making a leap from my assumptions into action. Usually verbal, sometimes actual actions. It's easy for me to see other people making wild-a..... assumptions, thinking there know what's going on, but not really having a clue.

It's harder for me to see that quality in myself. But I know I do it all the time. Chacala is good for me in two ways.One, I can see that old truism that what you can often see in others what you don't like in yourself. I have lots of opportunities here to experience myself identfying the qualities I don't like in myself in other people.

I have a great object lesson about making assumptions and acting on them, right here in Chacala. There is someone who comes down to Chacala in the winter who's assumption-to-action stuff just annoys me to death. Well, I hope not to death. But I really have a hard time with the stories she makes up about me, and spreads around. After four years of this sh.... it's getting really old. Another good thing about Chacala, for me, is there isn't much going on and it's harder to distract myself from my everyday experiences. No movies. TV, newspaper, driving around somewhere, shopping for more than four or five items (milk, rolls, fruit, tortillas and toilet paper mostly.

The pace is slow here, and there's more time to reflect on my interactions with other people, and their impact on me. And how about how my daily life fits into the life of Chacala. It's obvious immediately if I skip a day of picking up trash on the road in front of my place. Or on the little section of the beach I have adopted for trash pickup. I used to work most of the beach. But no more. Partly because more people are doing it now.One of the downsides of living in a small town is that sometimes it's hard to avoid people I don't want to deal with. But usually I manage to do it without much effort. There are a few winter people around here who I haven't actually interacted with in many months, or even years.

I usually do regular life stuff most of the day ( ooking, dishes, laundry, a little house cleaning, gardening, email, helping renters find a place, reading, drawing, and so on).
After a late lunch and a nap and checking emails, I usually do errands around town: visiting, doing reservations, shopping, take photos, visiting some more, walking on the beach, hanging around and so on.
So I am usually on the beach around sunset. I get to practice sunset photos a lot. Lately I have mostly been noticing how the light of the sunset shines of people and things. I don't really know how to take good photos of this phenomena, but I really enjoy how it looks.
Especially when the sun is shining on kids and on people faces.
I think kids get a burst of energy right at sunset, playing harder and wilder than ever.
And concentrating harder on their projects. Hoping the sun will stay up a little longer, I think.
I love sunsets in Chacala. Almost every night there is a beautiful, glowing sunset.
Most of the time people are swimming in the water until dark. Or after dark.

I usually take my camera with me when I go down to the beach in the late afternoon.
I still haven't figured out about shooting sunsets, but I am having lots of fun learning.

There are still lots of visitors here, mostly families who have driven here or taken one of the tourist buses. Often they travel in the bus all night, arriving at dawn from a cities in Central Mexico.
The kids are out playing in the sand until it's too dark to see.After four or five days of temperatures in the70's it's a relief to be back in the mid 80F again. At 3pm it was 88F here. That will warm up the water again too, I assume.

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