Today, actually this morning, is a special day in Chacala. I think it’s called Marina Day. Or something like that. There are kid-drawn posters all over Chacala, reminding people to come. It’s started at 9:30am, and there are number of events. I attended a couple before it got too hot for me.
It wasn't clear what was going to happen today. The National Marina Day. But the church bell started ringing about 9:30am, so I walked over there, and visited with Gracia and Narcisa for a bit until the Mass started. I hadn't realized there would be a Mass for this event.
I was sitting on the church steps, wondering how long the Mass would be. I visited with some Kansas people who were sitting under the church tree, and who are staying at Aurora's. After a few minutes we heard a really loud band coming up the hill.
It was a youth band from Compostella, the country-seat, followed by the Chacala primary and junior high kids, wearing their uniforms. And lots of town people behind them.
It was very hot and humid today. Too hot to out in the sun. So we were lucky, and got a ride over to the muelle with some friends. When the truck parked, we stopped to take some photos of Om's new place, and then walked out to big tent set up on the muelle.
The band played and some officials, including Lalo, Chacala's action committee president,
sat at a table in front. There were about 100 plastic chairs, borrowed from restaurants. And hundred of people. This photo doesn't show the whole crowd, because people kept coming.
There was a flag ceremoney with Chacala kids and another one with the Compostella group. There was more band music. When the speeches started, I left. I get bored very quickly with speeches.
The firepits on the right were for grilling fish. Lots of fish. Cold bottled water and beer were for sale before the event. And after too.
I left before they started serving the fish, but it looked really really good.
It was just too hot for me. I went home and ate lunch, and took a two hour nap. But first I had to chase off the crows or whatever they are. They have decided they like cat food I guess. But after I chased them off for the 20th time they decided to have a fruit dessert on the tree below my teraza.
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