One downside of the Chacala rainy season is the 300 million cangrejos that appear from nowhere, and cover the roads, especially in the early evening after a rainy night. They are little land crabs (I think) , about four to six inches across, and really really creepy. And very noisy. When an army of them (they arrival together) goes thru dry leaves or weeds it sounds like a rainstorm.
The new town water system seems to be running. Got about two hours of a full pipe of water on Friday and then more than two hours on Sunday. I now have a big and a small tinacho full of water. That's enough for more than a month. I saw Julio and Guillermo filling a 6 meter long, three foot deep trench with sand this evening. Catching another big leak.
I just noticed that the ratty old delapidated old building just south of Casa Chacala, on the paved road on the way into Chacala, is being torn down. I remember a couple of winters ago that a guy bought that lot. At the time he said he wasn't going to tear the ruin down until he was ready to build. Since it is being torn down, I can make a couple of conclusions (probably all wrong):
That owner is tearing the building down
That owner is planning to build something on the lot
That guy sold the lot to someone else who is going to build something on the lot.
Or, who know, maybe something else altogether.
At the moment most of the buildings on the paved road, coming into Chacala are rentals. First on the left are Augustine's (new white upstairs rentals), then Casa Chacala (white, six units with lovely flower baskets), then a home (Socorro's), and then Concha's Techos rentals and then her son's new rentals (not quite finished). On the right side of the paved road there are two beat-up places with rentals (only rented at Christmas and Easter), and then two Techos de Mexico rentals (first Aurora's four units, then Dona Lupe's upstairs unit, then the new hotel. On up the hill is only houses, for now at least.
Next time I come home to Chacala I am going to try to imagine what the rental row looks like to first-time visitors.
I think I figured out how to set up links to interesting websites on the right hand side of this blog. We'll see if it works.
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